Paris decides to start a trial of Rifaat al-Assad
ARK News: Identical sources confirmed to the agency, "France Press" that the trial of Rifaat al-Assad, the cousin of the president of the Syrian regime Bashar al-Assad, will take place from December 9 to 18 in Paris on charges of laundering money and embezzling Syrian public funds.
The same source added that the trial, which is scheduled to last two full days and four times a half day, will be finalized on July 11.
After a five-year investigation, Judge Reno van Ruimbique ordered a trial on April 15 to open up a trial against Rifaat al-Assad to find out if he was responsible for laundering money, embezzling Syrian public funds, illegally operating workers in his home and paying them in cash.
Rifaat al-Assad, 81 years old, has been living in exile in Europe since the mid-1980s and is under judicial scrutiny limiting his movements internationally since his indictment in Paris in June 2016.