Jordan: Al-Rikban camp is the responsibility of the UN and the radical solution is the return of displaced people to their areas

Jordan: Al-Rikban camp is the responsibility of the UN and the radical solution is the return of displaced people to their areas

Feb 05 2019

ARK News: The Jordanian Foreign Ministry confirmed on Monday that a radical solution to the problem of al-Rikban camp in southeastern Syria lies in securing the return of displaced Syrians to their country.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesman Sufian Salman al-Qudhat said in press statements, that the subject of the gathering of the displaced people of the Syrian refugees in Syrian territory is not a Jordanian responsibility, and that the international focus should not be limited to providing humanitarian assistance, which is a temporary solution to the camp.

Sufian stressed that the only solution to the current situation in the camp is to dismantle the camp and allow its residents to return to their towns and villages of their origin.