Dr. Abdelhakim Bashar: The word bad and the worst

Dr. Abdelhakim Bashar: The word bad and the worst

Aug 20 2018

ARK News: In reality, the word bad and worse may mean a compliment to both sides, I mean the regime and the PYD, I cannot find another description used to compare the two bad, but all indicators and data on the ground and followed practices confirm that the PYD and its administration packed to the regime is much worse than the Syrian regime, as an evidenced by the increase in the number of prisons in the areas under its control and the areas discharge of its population that opposed to the policies of PYD.

And cause the displacement of more than 600 thousand Kurds from various regions abroad and making problems, attacks and repression against the Arab component coexisting peacefully with the Kurds and the expulsion of thousands from their villages and the destruction of the homes of hundreds of them and countless other practices, all of which fall in the category of gross violations of human rights .
The closure of Christian schools in the province of Hasakah is the most extreme and cruelest practices. Christians are the basis of Syria, which established its history and contributed to the building of its civilization.

Peaceful coexistence with all was and still is their religion. It is the component that symbolizes Syria's history and civilization.

Even the Syrian regime, which is described as the regime of murder and criminality, has not been brought to this criminal step.

The closure of the Christian schools confirms that the PYD is hostile to everything that is national, and everything that is Syrian. Re-coexisted and unstable.

The Syrian Kurds are innocent of these heinous acts which affirm that PYD is living outside logic, outside of history and contrary to all humanity.

Dr. Abdul Hakim Bashar