Afrin … PYD adopts the assassination of a member of the Local Council in Shara town

Afrin … PYD adopts the assassination of a member of the Local Council in Shara town

Aug 08 2018

ARK News: Sites and the media of Democratic Union Party adopted, the operation that assassinated a member of the Local Council in the Shara town Afrin Kurdistan of Syria.

On Monday, 6/8/2018, a video was posted on the social media sites of the assassination of a member of the Local Council in Sharan town, Akash Haji Ahmed Ali from the village of Deir Siwan in Shara town.

Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its media outlets adopted the assassination by sleeping cells in Afrin under the pretext of communicating with the Turkish army and threatening the displaced and urging them not to return to Afrin, according to their claims and statements.

That the body of the victim had not been found at the scene of the crime so far and that the local authorities were investigating the real culprit, A private source from Afrin told ARK.

Some activists and politicians expressed their deep anger at the cowardly operation, calling it as a terrorist act and condemning such operations, especially against members of the Local Councils, especially after the armed group belonging to Al-Amshat assassinated Ahmed Sheikho, deputy head of the local council in Sheikh Hadid town, adding that the killer of Ahmed Sheikho and Akash Haj Ahmed are pointing to the one goal.