Afrin .. Witness the humiliation of police gunmen to two children with ugly way

Sep 22 2019

ARK News: Activists from the Kurdish city of Afrin published on September 20, 2019, a video clip from a police station on the social media, showing the humiliation of one of the police gunmen of two Kurdish children in a horrible and immoral way.

According to the video that spread, it appears that one of the gunmen in the civil police of Shara town forcing two Kurdish children to clean the toilet with their hands without the use of cleaning tools.

The video spread widely and met with harsh criticism, which made the police issued a statement, in particular, the statement said that it was an individual act and immoral work, and the video was dated on 17/6/2019.

According to the statement that the two children are prisoners and had raped a child, which was met with more indignation and indignation, because of what was came in the statement and fabrication of charges against the children.