Statement of solidarity from the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate - Syria with the media and artist Inayat Diko
ARK News: The writer and media associate Inayat Diko who is the founding member of the Journalists Union of Kurdistan-Syria exposing to the directly and indirectly threats from the parties which want to silence the other voice and different by any means, these threats against our colleague come as a result of his clear Kurdish attitudes and his relentless defense of the rights of his Kurdish people.
According to activists and observers and what we see in the panel escalating threats and mute and reject the other voice, it is clear that those who threaten our colleague do not conceal their loyalty to the Kurdistan Workers System PKK and to its branch in Kurdistan of Syria the PYD, especially after the writings of our colleague recently about the KNK call for a conference of Kurdistan and his opinion on this call, which did not live up for some weak souls and small dictators who see silence in the other opinion a victory for their utopian project.
We at the Council of Journalists Syndicate of Kurdistan - Syria condemn these threats and denounce the language of insults that they are good at, and the defamation of our colleague journalist and artist.
We declare our solidarity with him, and we call on the German authorities to protect our media colleague Diko and his family from the threats of those who see the other opinion enmity and rivalry that require discipline and intimidation.
Council of Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate - Syria