Afrin… The departure of one of the pillars of Kurdish folklore

Afrin… The departure of one of the pillars of Kurdish folklore

Jul 26 2020

RK News… The Kurdish region of Afrin, on Saturday 25 July 2020, lost one of the pillars of Kurdish folklore and heritage in the region, where he departed in a hospital in Turkey.

Afrin artists mourned the departure of the folkloric artist, Mustafa Haider Nasser, in Turkey's hospitals after a struggle with illness.

Al Nasser, a resident of the Al-Zidiya neighborhood in Afrin, is considered one of the most famous players in the blowing, rhythm and tambourine machines, as well as conservative of Kurdish heritage and folklore in the region. They preserved the heritage by reviving them for parties, national and social occasions.

Perhaps he is one of the most famous of the family musicians, the late Nasser, and his son Hussein Haj Nasser, who is famous for his distinguished performance of the blowing machine and has many visual and audio works.

Politically, the family presented the young Hussein Hamo Na`so, the mother's name, Fadila from the Hussein Haj Nasser family, as a martyr in the 2004 uprising in Afrin, where he was martyred under torture in the regime's prisons, and ARK had trusted his name in the list of names of the martyrs of the 2004 uprising in the cities of Afrin and Aleppo.

The Kurds are known in Afrin for reviving their national and social occasions with the “Zurne and Def” machines, and they still maintain this, whether in Afrin or abroad.

An informed source told ARK News that he was due to be buried in his hometown of Afrin after his body was transferred from Turkey to Syrian Kurdistan.