For the first time, ARK News reveals the secrets of what is happening during the digging of the P*K*K tunnels in Shingal

For the first time, ARK News reveals the secrets of what is happening during the digging of the P*K*K tunnels in Shingal

Aug 12 2023

ARK News… A Kurdish young man from the city of Kobani in Syrian Kurdistan revealed secrets related to the PKK tunnels in the city of “Şengal”, and the abuse, torture and injustice that young minors are subjected to at the hands of the PKK staff in “Şengal”.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Rebaz, a young man, who preferred not to be named for security reasons, said that a large number of smugglers who supervise the smuggling of citizens from Syrian Kurdistan to the Kurdistan Region have a direct relationship with PKK leaders in “Şengal”, where they hand over citizens who wish to come to the region Kurdistan for the PKK in “Şengal”.

The Kurdish young man said, "PKK officials in Şengal force citizens who were transferred to Şengal by smugglers in coordination with the PKK, to work for free for months, and take away their identity papers and communication equipment from them in order to cut off their relationship with the outside world, and any citizen who opposes the injustice he is exposed to is threatened imprisonment for more than 4 months in prisons that lack the most basic necessities of life.

The Kurdish youth added: "There are kidnapped children under the age of 15, working in digging tunnels in Shingal, especially in the mountainous region and Bari region of Shingal. They shed tears every day, longing for their families, but all means of communication with the outside world are cut off from them."

The young man, who hails from Kobani, added: "I wanted to come to the Kurdistan Region to find a job opportunity to help my family in the city of Kobani financially, but the smuggler called (Muhammad) handed me over to an official in the PKK called (Botan) in the city of Şengal, and he is from the Kurdistan of Turkey." Under threat, I was forced to work digging tunnels for the PKK.

He confirmed: "I worked for more than 7 months digging tunnels, and I did not receive my agreed-upon salary ($400 per month), and when we demanded our monthly salaries, we were threatened with imprisonment and torture."

He added, "Despite our work for continuous hours digging tunnels, the food provided to us was very bad, and there is no health care for the workers, and there are those who lost an arm during work, and the available treatment was (cutting off the hand) in primitive ways, and tying it with medical bandages."