The PYD and DSF release more than 1,500 terrorists, what did their leaders say about it?
ARK News: The victory on the terrorist organization of Da’esh has been announced and many terrorists of Da’esh which are of non-Syrians have been transferred to their countries, some of them are not still transferred, and hundreds of Syrian Da’esh had been released, and the absent present file remains, the absence of the fate of about thousands of Syrian Kurds kidnapped by the Da’esh: most of them are from Kobani region in Kurdistan of Syria.
According to the PYD Media reports during the past two years, more than 1,500 terrorists have been released under various names, including the "amnesty of holidays" and "good faith" and "brotherhood of peoples" in Raqqa, Tabqa, Ain Isa, Manbij and Deir al-Zour.
The processes of releasing of Terrorists of Da’esh from the PYD prisons were done immediately after the mediation of tribal elders and elders of the region, without any trial or punishment, despite being accused of belonging to Da’esh Terrorist organization calling and contributing to the killing and kidnapping of dozens of civilians and military.
The processes of releasing of Terrorists of Da’esh at a time that the bodies of dozens of young martyrs of the Kurds who are martyred by the terrorist organization of Da’esh come daily in the battles between them and the Democratic Syrian Forces in these areas.
The Democratic Union Party Media and its leaders are proud of this process before the local and international public opinion, the following are the numbers and dates of release operations, which amounted to 1566 documented cases, and it is believed that there are other undeclared cases, which are taken from the media agencies of the PYD:
The Number of released from Da’esh and the place as follow: Manbij 439, Tabqa 150, Hasaka 354, Gire Spi 111, Raqqa 64 and Ain Isa 394
Statements by the leaders of the PYD, DSF and the elders of the tribes about the released people
The speech of the leader of Democratic Syria Forces, Sheikh Haske in his speech before the terrorists released by an initiative under the title of "good faith" in the decrees of the release of 17 of the terrorists Da’esh, in Hasaka:
“You comrades we released of some of the detainees, they were not arrested, but we taught them what our principles are in this life "
Media declaration by official relations in the Democratic Syria Forces Redour Khalil on 24.03.2019 on the fate of kidnapped Kurds by Da’esh:
We have released some of the civilian abductees at Da’esh, but the larger part their fate is still unknown, and we do not have any information or answer to the families of the kidnapped about the fate of their children "
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of the Executive Board for the Self-Government in the territory of al-Jazeera of the PYD, Abdul Karim Sarokhan, in the release celebration of 124 terrorists of Da’esh on March 2. 3. 2019:
“We are ready to help these detainees in order to give them a chance to return to a normal life, far from being involved with mercenaries and those who want to destabilize the security and stability of our regions. This opportunity will prove whether they deserve this amnesty or not. "
One of the leaders of the Bani Esaid tribe, Mohammed Sadiq al-Esaidi, during a ceremony for the release of 43 of the terrorists of Da’esh in Manbij on 02.03.2019:
"We thank the democratic civil administration and the administrations in the north of Syria for their contribution to us. As we ask our imprisoned sons to abide by the laws and regulations, this step of tolerance is of great importance to the elders of the tribal and the sheiks."
What did the released Da’esh say ?:
The Da’esh member Fawzi al-Mohammed in an interview with a media outlet affiliated with the PYD, during the process ceremony of release, which took place on 10.01.2018 "saying about the treatment of the Democratic Syrian Forces was very good in all respects, we did not hear any bad words or anything, and we were surprised by this good treatment”.
A Da’esh Ayman Sheikho, during the ceremony for the release of 43 of the terrorists of Da’esh in Manbij on 02.03.2019:
"An indescribable feeling, I thank the Democratic Syrian Forces and tribal sheiks for the release of the prisoners, for mistakes are many, from the era of ignorance, we will stop our mistakes and we will rebuild ourselves again"
The Da’esh member Fadel Alo, from Deir al-Zour, says during the release of 15 terrorists Da’esh on 13.03.2019:
"I was dealing with the Da’esh, I was imprisoned on 11.03.2018, and was imprisoned by the comrades" DSF "and the treatment was good, and our condition is good, and we will go out and live safely"
The Da’esh member Mohammed al-Hussein from Tabqa says, during the process of the release of 15 terrorists of Da’esh on 13.03.2019:
"I was jailed on 18.04.2018, I was transferring information to Da’esh, and yesterday the comrades released us"
-Da’esh member Bashar al-Hamid from al-Bu Kamal, who says during the release of 15 terrorists of Da’esh on 13.03.2019:
"I went out of prison, and I will end the Da’esh thought from my head, and I will live with my family and my community"
The fate of thousands of Syrian Kurds that the Da’esh organization abducted them is still unknown including the journalist Farhad Hamo, at a time when the Democratic Syrian Forces announced the liberation of the last pocket of Da’esh in the town of Baghouz in rural Deir al-Zour and its victory over Da’esh, and the families of the abductees in the hope of knowing the fate of their sons abducted by Da’esh, through the exchange of prisoners, which was carried out by the Democratic Syrian Democratic on a continuous basis with the Da’esh, or through the leadership of the detainee in the prisons of DSF and the PYD.