Afrin ... The loss of a Kurdish girl for her life on the Syrian-Turkish border and the disappearance of 7 others
ARK News: A Kurdish woman from the villages of Afrin, which controlled by the regime and the Democratic Union Party the PYD, lost her life on the Syrian-Turkish border while crossing the Turkish border with a number of other girls whose fate is still unknown and no information about them so far.
Local sources reported that the Kurdish citizen Huda Ahmad Murad Musa and nickname Hidayat who is from the village of Jelbere of Mount Lelon Sherawa Afrin Kurdish lost her life two days ago on 09/02/2019 on the Syrian-Turkish border near the town of Atma in the province of Idlib in mysterious circumstances without disclosing the reasons that led to her death, pointing to the unknown fate that hangs on Maryam Mohammed from village of Aqibe, which was accompanied by her so far.
The sources added that the group that came out of those Afrinian villages under the control of the regime estimated the number of seven girls who had left their villages to go to Turkey illegally (smuggling) through the countryside of Idlib.
Within a week, this incident is the second of its kind after the death of Lovin Khalil Shoto from the village of Kafarom belonging to Shara town, who died after suffering two heart attacks on the Syrian-Turkish border with her parents.
Sources have reported that Lovin was shot, but Dara Esteri, the father of her fiancé, posted a clarification on the Facebook page stating that Lovin, the fiancée of his son Jean, died of a heart attack because of the cold, the difficulty of the road.
It is also posted on social networking sites a video clip of Lovin's mother saying that Lovin died while crossing the Syrian-Turkish border and there was no shooting fire on her.