Dr... Abdel Hakim Bachar and Abdullah Kaddo visit Rajo district in Afrin

Dr... Abdel Hakim Bachar and Abdullah Kaddo visit Rajo district in Afrin

Apr 28 2024

ARK News… As part of a tour conducted by Dr. Abdel Hakim Bachar, Vice President of the National Coalition, and Abdullah Kaddo, a member of the political body within the National Coalition delegation in Afrin city and its environs and villages, attended a meeting, on Friday April 26, 2024, with members of the Kurdish National Council and some members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria.

Both Bachar and Kaddo spoke about the general Syrian situation, the events in the region and their repercussions on the Syrian situation, then about the plans of the National Coalition in its areas, including Afrin, its towns and villages, and its determination to stop all violations, hold their perpetrators accountable, achieve security and safety, protect people’s property, and economic advancement through an ambitious work program.

Both Bachar and Kaddo spoke at length about the Kurdish National Council’s policies and positions, and about the efforts it is making, in coordination with its representatives in the Coalition and the rest of the council’s institutions, to achieve safety and stability in Afrin, and to work through the Coalition on the return of the people of Afrin from the al-Shahba camps and others to their cities and villages and the status of the factions. Armed forces station their own military sites outside cities and residential areas, control the chaos of weapons, create a fair judiciary, protect people’s property and lives, and address issues related to taxes, absentee property, and other issues.

Bachar and Kaddo listened to everyone present and the problems the region is suffering from, whether in terms of the continued imposition of arbitrary taxes by armed factions, and exorbitant taxes on absentees who left Afrin for various reasons, as well as service and health issues.

Bachar and Kaddo, in the name of the Council’s representation in the coalition, promised the attendees to continue working to solve their problems and difficulties that confront them by presenting them, discussing them, and demanding that appropriate solutions be developed, through the Coalition as well as with the concerned parties.