The US Department of Defense announces the completion of the establishment of observation posts in northern Syria

Dec 13 2018

ARK News: American observation points along the border between Turkey and Syria, located east of the Euphrates became a reality, which is a blow to Turkey's expansionist attempts in Syria.

Last November, the United States announced it would set up monitoring posts separating Turkey and Syria Democratic Forces after the latter decided to cease its battles against the terrorist organization of Da’esh in its last pocket east of Deir Ezzor if Turkish threats and violations did not stop.

US Defense Department spokesman Colonel Rob Manning said that "by order of Defense Minister, Jim Matisse, the United States has established observation posts in the border area of northeastern Syria, and they are committed to coordinating with Turkey to achieve stability the north-east of Syria.”

This step comes despite opposition from Turkey, which said in a statement on Friday that Defense Minister Khalosi Akar delivered a formal request to the special representative of the United States on the Syrian conflict, James Jeffrey, during a meeting in Ankara to give up control points.

Pentagon announcement of completion of the establishment of observation points near the Turkish border, this means that America has completely defeated Ankara's official request to Washington to stay away from these points the move would also remove from Ankara all the arguments and pretexts it used to justify its aggression and repeated violations of the eastern Euphrates region.

Source: Agencies