Researchers... There is a worrying decline in the antibodies of people recovering from corona

Researchers... There is a worrying decline in the antibodies of people recovering from corona

Oct 18 2020

ARK News… Some hospitals resort to blood plasma extracted from people recovering from coronavirus, in order to treat patients suffering from complications of "Covid 19", but this technique is not without challenges.

The blood of people recovering from the epidemic contains antibodies that move against the virus, and "plasma" techniques have shown great benefit in treating Corona patients.

Doctors say that using blood plasma will reduce the time that the patient stays in the hospital due to complications from Corona.

And this week, the newspaper "M. Bio" of the American Society of Microbiology revealed that the level of antibodies in the blood of the recovered is falling rapidly.

The researchers added that the level of these antibodies to the virus decreases dramatically, within weeks, after the bodies get rid of the virus and the symptoms disappear.

Scientists believe that what is required is the extraction of this plasma during the short period that follows their recovery, because it will not be useful if it is delayed, according to the "News Medical" website.

Meanwhile, recovered Corona patients cannot donate blood until 14 days have passed since the symptoms disappeared so that the body has enough time to get rid of the remaining virus particles.

Andres Fenzi, a researcher at the Canadian University of Montreal, said: "We do not want to transmit the virus, but rather the antibodies, but what our work has revealed is that the ability of the plasma to neutralize viral particles is declining during the first weeks."

Fenzi, along with other researchers, studied samples from 31 people who had recovered from the emerging coronavirus, and the level of antibodies was compared after a full month.

After that, the researchers measured the ability of the antibodies to respond to the virus protein, and the results showed that it decreased after a period of 6 to 10 weeks from the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Fenzi pointed out that these extracts are very useful, because they explain to scientists the way the antibodies interact with the virus, and that vaccine developers will also benefit because the study gives them an idea of the duration of immunity.