A Syrian refugee burns himself for not being able to pay the rent of the room in Lebanon

A Syrian refugee burns himself for not being able to pay the rent of the room in Lebanon

Apr 06 2020

ARK News: A Syrian refugee "Bassam Mahmoud Al-Hallaq" (52 years), died from severe burns caused by setting his body on fire on Sunday evening in the central Lebanese Bekaa.

A friend of the victim, Abu Hassan, told the correspondent "Zaman Al-Wasl" that "Bassam", a refugee from Daraya, in Damascus countryside, poured petrol on his body and set him on fire with the aim of committing suicide after he was unable to pay the rent of the room in which he lives with his wife and two children in the town of "Talabaya" in Middle Bekaa.

"Abu Hassan added saying: "We assisted Bassam to the (Jeitawi) Hospital in the Bekaa, but he soon died due to the severe burns that affected many places of his stomach, back, neck and face."

According to the initial investigations of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces, the burns in his body were of a third degree.

Activists on social media circulated a video showing "Al Hallaq", as he was walking behind residential buildings, and his body broke out and someone oh God (Ya Latif, Latif) was heard while one of them heard a voice saying to those around him pour out water on him (Kubwa May).

More than a million Syrians live in difficult conditions due to the bad financial conditions that worsened after most of the youth lost their jobs as a result of the general mobilization and curfews imposed by the Lebanese authorities to confront the new epidemic of the Coronavirus, according to activists.