The National Relations Office of the PDK-S issues an important circular on the situation of stranded people in Syrian Kurdistan

The National Relations Office of the PDK-S issues an important circular on the situation of stranded people in Syrian Kurdistan

Jun 17 2020

ARK News.. In a special statement to ARK News, the Office of National Relations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria stated that approval has been taken from the Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government on the special situation of people stranded in Kurdistan and Syria who hold European citizenship in order to provide facilities for their return by the Pish Khabour crossing administration.

As for students of high school diploma "baccalaureate" and university students stuck in the Kurdistan Region and have a residency card, they can return to Syrian Kurdistan, and they must take the students' documents and papers, and go to the Pish Khabour crossing on "Sunday and Wednesday" by being present at eight o'clock in the Chama control checkpoint located after the Darashakran camp.