Siyamand Hajo: The project of establishing a safe zone is still in its beginnings

Siyamand Hajo: The project of establishing a safe zone is still in its beginnings

Jul 19 2019

ARK News: A Kurdish leader revealed that the project of establishing the safe area is still in its beginnings, and there has been no development on the establishment of the safe area to be built in the east of the Euphrates.

In a special statement to the site of ARK News, the head of the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria Siyamand Hajo said that the establishment of the safe area in the east of the Euphrates is originally a US proposal, and the purpose of its establishment is to stop the Turkish invasion of the region.

Hajo added: Since (6) months, America and Turkey are discussing the mechanism of establishing a safe area, but they have not reached a final solution on the subject, and because Turkey suffers during this stage of US pressure, as a result of Turkey's purchase of the Russian defense system S400, Turkey is trying to alleviate those pressures to raise the issue of the military campaign on the east Euphrates

The head of the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria also said that Turkey wanted to repeat the experience of Afrin in the east of the Euphrates because that experience was successful for Turkey, but the United States wanted Turkey to address deal the issue of the presence of PKK militants in that region.

Hajo stressed saying: To redeem the Kurdish areas of this impasse, the PKK must withdraw all of its militants from the region and form a new administration composed of the components of the region, and the administration will be under the supervision of America and France.