Britain calls for international cooperation to confront the threat of chemical weapons in Syria
ARK News… The United Kingdom condemned ISIS's "confirmed use" of chemical weapons in Syria, stressing the need to hold all those responsible for chemical weapons attacks in Syria accountable.
Commenting on the report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Tariq Ahmed, British Minister of State for the Middle East and the United Nations, said in a statement: The United Kingdom “condemns all forms of the use of chemical weapons during the Syrian conflict, committed by ISIS and the Syrian regime,” noting that the investigations conducted by the United Nations The United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons concluded that the Syrian regime was responsible for at least nine chemical weapons attacks, including the use of sarin and chlorine gas.
Ahmed explained that the international community should be deeply concerned about the threat posed by non-state actors working to develop, possess and use chemical weapons, and that the risk of proliferation in Syria was exacerbated by instability in the region.
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons revealed on Thursday that its investigations concluded that ISIS was responsible for the chemical attack that targeted the city of Marea in the Aleppo countryside in 2015.
According to the report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, “its investigation and identification team concluded that there are reasonable grounds to believe that ISIS units were the perpetrators of the attack on September 1, 2015.”