Leader: The PKK harnesses the PYD to serve the regime and anti the national rights of the Kurds

Leader: The PKK harnesses the PYD to serve the regime and anti the national rights of the Kurds

Jul 27 2021

ARK News… A leader in the Kurdistan Democratic Party Sunday confirmed that the PKK implements the agendas of the enemies of the Kurds, noting that the party kidnaps children and fights the Peshmerga, and deals in drugs as it attacks civilians and imposes taxes and royalties, and wants to establish itself as an alternative to the political forces in the Kurdistan Region.

Bilind Ismail, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Command and official of the party's 16th branch, told (BasNews) that "anyone who studies the actions and policies of the PKK will clearly show it that this party serves the strategies of the enemies of the Kurds and their just cause in the four parts of Kurdistan."

Adding, "The PKK has for years been violating the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Region and does not take into account the constitutional legitimacy of the region and is openly hostile to its institutions," stressing that "the PKK is carrying out what the enemies of the Kurds are unable to do." Pointing out that "in addition to preventing and obstructing the reconstruction of 400 border villages within the Kurdistan Region, the PKK has formed its own administration and region in the areas in which it is present and imposes its authority on them by force of arms."

He continued, "The PKK has forcibly tortured and disappeared hundreds of Kurdish citizens, kidnapped children, fought the Peshmerga, traded drugs, assaulted civilians, and imposed taxes and royalties." He stressed that "the worst of all is to give this party justifications for the Turkish military invasion of the Kurdistan Region and causing great harm to the region, its people, and economy."

Ismail stressed, "The PKK has left its main field of activity (in reference to North Kurdistan) to another part (Kurdistan Region) and wants to establish itself as an alternative to the political forces in this part. The same situation is in Syrian Kurdistan, where the sober and basic forces are prevented from exercising their activities there, and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) is mocked to serve its agendas, while all the party’s steps in that part of Kurdistan serve the Syrian regime and hostile national rights of the Kurds.”

Bilind Ismail continued by saying, "The PKK has hundreds of militants in Qandil, Shingal, Makhmour, Taq Taq, Chame Rezan, Jabal Karokh, Gara, and dozens of other areas throughout the territory of the Kurdistan Region, and it antagonizes the Kurdistan Regional Government and its legitimate institutions, and imposes taxes and royalties on the people,” calling on all Kurdish parties to take a position on the practices and violations of the PKK, stressing that “this party does not have its political decision and publicly implements regional agendas hostile to the Kurdistan Region.”

Source: BasNews (translated from Arabic)