The explosion of an explosive device in the center of Afrin city

The explosion of an explosive device in the center of Afrin city

Aug 22 2018

ARK News: A bomb exploded, yesterday night, in a garbage container on Rajo Street near Fawal Abu Jawdat in Afrin city Kurdistan of Syria, the explosion did not result in casualties, and damage was limited to shop fronts only.
“A loud explosion heard yesterday night, in the center of Afrin city in Rajo road near the pharmacy of Hashim Sheikh Nasan and the Fawal Abu Jawdat’s shop - opposite of Hassan Shojin ’s shop. The explosion shattered and broke shops' windows, but there were no casualties."
“The source of the sound was the result of an explosive device, which was placed in the garbage container on Rajo Street and did not know who was behind the explosion”, according to the same source.
It is noteworthy that there were two explosions with two car bombs in the city center of Afrin, Kurdistan of Syria, on 27/6/2018, which resulting in the falling of a number of dead and wounded among the Kurdish civilians and among of elements of pro-Turkey army armed groups.