“Response Coordinators”… 73,000 displaced people returned to their homes in Idlib within a month

“Response Coordinators”… 73,000 displaced people returned to their homes in Idlib within a month

Apr 07 2020

ARK News.. The Response Coordinators team said on Monday that about 73,000 displaced people have returned to their areas in Idlib since the ceasefire agreement between Turkey and Russia that took effect on March 6.

The team's director, Muhammad Hallaj, stated that, since last October, nearly a million Syrians had been displaced from their homes as a result of the operations and shelling of the regime, indicating that (73) thousands of them had returned to their homes with the passage of a month after the ceasefire agreement.

The main destination of returnees is concentrated in villages and towns north of the Aleppo - Lattakia M4 road, while the south of the area has not witnessed any return movement because of the ambiguity surrounding the fate of this area, according to the agreement.