Afrin …. About 10 were injured in a violent explosion hit Afrin city center

Nov 27 2019

ARK News: A car bomb exploded in the center of the Kurdish city of Afrin, on Tuesday, wounding at least 10 people and heavy damage to cars parked in the street which is controlled by the Turkish forces factions belong to them in the northwest of Aleppo.

Local sources reported to ARK News that a violent explosion was heard in Afrin city, on Tuesday 26.11.2019, which is under the control of the “Turkish Forces” and pro-Turkish armed factions in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo, it turned out to be caused by a car explosion in al-Siyasiye Street in the middle of the city, and according to field sources, the explosion injured at least 8 people and caused material damage to cars parked in the street.

Afrin region between the period and the other witnesses similar explosions that the city center has witnessed explosion in the Diesel street more than month ago, and the neighborhood of Ashrafiya witnessed also a strong explosion on Thursday 11/7/2019 causing civilian casualties of Kurds and Arab settlers, as well as severe material damage to the property of the Kurds.