The QSD and the PYD hide the fact that there are 23 commercial crossings with the Syrian regime and armed factions

The QSD and the PYD hide the fact that there are 23 commercial crossings with the Syrian regime and armed factions

Jan 01 2022

ARK News... The innovated narratives of the PKK and its arms in Syrian Kurdistan do not end. Every day there is a new innovated story that is closer than fiction, this time the events of the innovated story, especially the closure of the Pish Khabour-Semalka crossing, in which the PKK and its affiliates claim that the closure of the Pish Khabour-Semalka crossing has stifled the Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan, the matter became unbearable because of the high prices of foodstuffs that were imported through Pish Khabour to Syrian Kurdistan.

But here we must stand on the fact that the PKK and its arms want to hide from the Kurdistan public opinion, especially the Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan. The truth is that the QSD and the PYD exchange trade with the Syrian regime, and the armed factions through 23 crossings, 13 of which are smuggling, and 10 of them are official.

According to a study conducted by Al-Jazeera, we can say that more than 80% of the trade of the QSD and the PYD takes place at the crossings that link them to areas under the control of the Syrian regime, and areas under the control of armed factions.

The official or public crossings that take place in the process of trade between the QSD and the PYD on the one hand, and the Syrian regime and armed factions on the other hand are:

-Qamishlo International Airport with the Syrian regime.

-A Marsho roundabout with the Syrian regime.
- Agaidat crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Salihiya crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Shanan Crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Al-Hawra crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Suhaib Al-Zikir crossing with the Syrian regime.

Al-Tahiya crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Aoun Al-Dadat Crossing with the armed factions.

-Al-Ghazawiya Crossing with the armed factions.

Also, the trade of the QSD and the PYD on the one hand, and the Syrian regime and the armed factions, is carried out through 13 irregular crossings “smuggling”, and trade is taking place in full swing and the irregular crossings are:

-Al-Jaziri crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Al-Tayyana crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Daranj Crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Al-Shuhail crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Zubiyan crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Al-Busaira crossing with the Syrian regime.

- Jidaidit Baggara crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Sabha crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Al-Muhaimida crossing with the Syrian regime.

-Aiyiwa crossing with the armed factions

-Umm Al-Jalud crossing with the armed factions.

-Barade crossing with the armed factions.

-Aliya village with armed factions.

According to this study and documentation, the number of commercial crossings between the areas under the control of the QSD and the PYD on the one hand, and the areas under the control of the Syrian regime, and the armed factions, on the other hand, reaches “23” crossings, and this is the fact that the PKK and its affiliates in Syrian Kurdistan are trying to hide from the Kurdish people and general opinion, in order to take advantage of the closure of the Pish Khabour-Semalka crossing to distort the image of the Kurdistan Region in front of the Kurdish people.