For the first time .. to drop the Arabic name from a Syrian institution

For the first time .. to drop the Arabic name from a Syrian institution

Jan 19 2020

ARK News: In a striking measure, the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, dropped the "Arab" attribute of the official airline in Syria, a move that occurs for the first time since the Ba'ath Party took control of the Syrian regime.

Al-Assad issued, on Thursday, January 16, 2020, a decree in which the "Arabic" character of the "Syrian Arab Aviation Corporation" was dropped, to become the "Syrian Aviation Corporation."

It came in the text of the presidential decree, "A public institution of an economic nature called the Syrian Airlines, in short the Syrian Airline, enjoys legal personality and financial and administrative independence, and is linked to the minister, and its main center is Damascus."

And according to the legislative decree, the updated Syrian establishment replaces the “Syrian Arab Aviation Corporation”.

The character "Arab" in Syria, where a mixture of different ethnicities live, is considered inherent in all official Syrian institutions, the country's official name is the Syrian Arab Republic, the official name of the military is the Syrian Arab Army, and the ruling party is the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party and many other institutions.

The Kurds and other components in Syria are calling for the deletion of the character “Arabic” from the official name of the country to become the “Syrian Republic” and for removing it from all official state institutions.