Arresting a leader of PDK-S in Afrin
ARK News: The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Syria PDK-S Hussein Ibish was arrested yesterday in Afrin and his fate still remains unknown.
According to source of the Humana Rights Organization in Afrin that the "military police" arrested on yesterday 31/3/2019, in Afrin the head of the Local Council of the Kurdish National Council in Syria, and a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria, Hussein Ibish and his fate still remains unknown.
According to the same source, Ibish’s fate is still unknown and no further information about the reason and place of detention is known.
The Organization confirmed that a member of the Local Council of Afrin city of the Kurdish National Council in Syria, Mohammed Ali Reza was arrested on Saturday, 30 March 2019, at the checkpoint at the entrance to the city of Afrin, and he was released on bail that the investigation to be completed with him afterward.