Afrin ... Armed group beats a young Kurdish kidnapped and steals his car

Afrin ... Armed group beats a young Kurdish kidnapped and steals his car

Mar 31 2019

An armed group loyal to Turkey kidnapped a young Kurd from the city of Afrin, where he was beaten and severely tortured, causing his health to deteriorate. He was then taken to a hospital in Afrin and left there alone.

A private source from the city of Afrin city reported the ARK News on Saturday that an armed group kidnapped the Kurdish youth Suleiman Mohammad Na’asan, 29 years old, where he was beaten and brutally tortured by armed Islamic factions loyal to Turkey and after his poor health and his entry into a state of unconsciousness, the kidnappers forced to rescue him to the hospital and leave him there.

According to the same source, the kidnappers returned at night to steal his car under the threat of the weapon.

It is noteworthy that cases of kidnapping and theft are repeated daily by the factions loyal to the Turkish occupation forces, with the aim of blackmailing people and receive large sums of money in return for their release and these acts have become the systematic behavior by these spoiled groups.