Nori Brimo: We are ready for the safe area

Nori Brimo: We are ready for the safe area

Mar 17 2019

ARK News: The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria Nori Brimo announced that the Democratic Union Party is in its state of confusion about what awaits it in the near future and that there are three options to the east of the Euphrates.

In his participation in the program ”HEVPEYVÎN” which broadcast on the ARK screen, in a special episode on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the launch of the Syrian revolution on Friday 15/3/2019 , "we knew at first that the Syrian regime would not leave in a short time and Syrian Revolution turned in its second phase to the crisis. " said Nori Brimo, a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party – Syria.

On the participation of the Kurdish political movement in the Syrian revolution, Brimo added.
The regime tried to neutralize the Kurdish political movement for the Syrian revolution, but the Kurdish political movement has set its position with the Syrian people, since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, and that the PYD did not join the Kurdish parties for the deal with the new conditions.

On the refusal of the Kurdish political movement at the beginning of the Syrian revolution to go to Damascus and the possibility of the dialogue with the Syrian regime, Brimo said: "The doors of Damascus have never closed before the Kurdish movement. If the Kurdish movement decided to go to Damascus, Damascus would accept its hand. We also want dialogue with the Syrian regime, but not behind the curtains and in the security corridors as what the PYD is doing.

Brimo confirmed that the regime brought the PYD after the Kurdish political movement refused to go to Damascus and that in the areas of its influence the PYD cut off the Kurds from the Syrian revolution. The PYD wants us to withdraw from the coalition, Geneva and the Supreme Body, and join like them to the Syrian regime.

So far the regime has not recognized the Kurds, the Syrian regime brought the PYD after the Syrian Kurdish movement refused to go to Damascus and made it as a governor to the region, after a month of starting of the Syrian revolution month, an expanded meeting of the Syrian Kurdish movement took place, we called a peaceful revolution, and we asked for changing the structure of the regime, in Afrin, the PYD was the cause of taking out a quarter of a million people, to an area so called Shahba, the percentage of Kurds in Afrin decreases from 99% to 50%.

Brimo spoke about the role of the Kurdish National Council in Syria in protecting the Kurdish issue in Syria and defending it and bringing it to the table of international negotiations".
In the absence of Kurds it cannot find any solution to the Syrian crisis, without the Kurdish National Council it cannot form a Kurdish reference in Syria, and the PYD banned raising of the Kurdistan flag in Kurdistan of Syria, the Council carrying the Kurdish national project in Syria, the Council is one of the basic components in Syria and the Syrian negotiating body, and we are part of the solution in Syria ".

Brimo revealed the existence of three options to the east of the Euphrates and Kurdistan of Syria "if the regime advances, the PYD will be in an enviable position and it will not remain a ruler. If Turkey is presented it will be worse, if the safe zone is formed, it will no longer of the PYD be able to isolate the authority in the Kurdish areas. The Syrian regime will not let the PYD participate in the safe zone, the PYD is confused and does not know what to do".

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria Nori Brimo confirmed that the National Council is ready for all options, and wondered "why the PYD does not accept the return of Roj Peshmerga, actually, the Syrian regime does not accept the return of Roj Peshmerga, we are militarily ready but we have not accepted brotherly fighting, there is an international consensus on the safe area, the Council will be present in that region So far, the details are not clear yet, we are in the Kurdish National Council ready for the safe area, and we are the first of that region, and we have no objection to partner with any other part s including the PYD or part of it that believes in democracy and break the relationship with the regime and I do not think this is possible in the PYD ".