One of the Peshmerga Revolutions of September and Gulan visits the office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria in Zakho

One of the Peshmerga Revolutions of September and Gulan visits the office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria in Zakho

Feb 13 2019

Mohamed Khalid Bossli Visited on Tuesday, 12.02.2019, the Peshmerga of Revolutions of September and Gulan, Zakho Office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria.

He was received by an official of the Zakho Organization, a member of the Central Committee of the Party, Hoshang Simgamoor, and the Dean Hussein Sori, members of the Area Committee and its branches.

Mr Bossli touched upon the important role of Kurdistan of Syria in the September and Gulan revolutions

The meeting discussed the political situation in Syria, Kurdistan Syria and the role of the Kurdish National Council in Syria and the need to take its role in the regional and international circles in relation to the solution of the Syrian issue.