The Lebanon Organization of PDK-S and the Local of the student union and the Democratic Youth of Kurdistan - Rojava are commemorating Kurdistan Flag Day

The Lebanon Organization of PDK-S and the Local of the student union and the Democratic Youth of Kurdistan - Rojava are commemorating Kurdistan Flag Day

Dec 18 2018

ARK News: On the occasion of the Kurdish flag day the national symbol of the Kurdish people, the Lebanon organization of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria and the Local of the Student Union and the Democratic Youth of Kurdistan - Rojava, revived this occasion on Sunday 16/12/2018 in the Lebanese capital - Beirut

Member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria, Luqman Oso and comrades and brothers in the organizations of Lebanon and the Student Union and a crowd of members of the Kurdish community in Lebanon attended the ceremony.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor of the martyrs of the Kurds, and then the playing of the national anthems of the Kurds (Ai Raqib) and the Lebanese national anthem.

Mr. Luqman Oso, member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria, delivered the speech of the Lebanon Organization in which he welcomed the brotherhood of the audience and spoke about the importance and sanctity of this occasion, which is celebrated by our Kurdish people in its four parts and everywhere else.

Oso said that what happened in Kirkuk and Afrin increases our determination and adherence to this flag and our national symbols.

"On this platform, we celebrate the Kurdish flag day and on behalf of the Lebanon Organization of the Kurdistan Democratic Party – Syria we call on our Afrin people to return to their homes and we stress that they must stick to them and not to allow foreigners to make a demographic change at any price," Oso added.

He concluded by saying that Kirkuk and Afrin are two key cities for the establishment of the Kurdish state, and we do not compromise them.

The main address of all the participants and songs on this occasion is to uphold the national constants and maintain the Kurdish presence in Kurdistan, Syria, and glorify the role of the Peshmerga in the defense of Kurdistan.

Source: Media of Lebanon Organization of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria