9 Syrians, including 8 children, were killed in a fire in Turkey
ARK News… 9 Syrians were killed; Including 8 children, they died Tuesday-Wednesday in the city of Bursa in northwestern Turkey, after a fire broke out in their apartment, according to what the local authorities announced.
The official Anadolu news agency quoted Bursa Governor Yakup Canpolat as saying: “There are 9 bodies inside; 8 of them belong to children.
Canpolat indicated that the nine victims were of Syrian nationality.
According to the Turkish media; The victims are a woman and her six children aged between 1 and 10, as well as her sister's two sons, aged 11 and 12.
As for the father, who was returning to his home when the fire broke out after attending a funeral in Istanbul, he suffocated with smoke while trying to save his family, according to "Anatolia".
The city's mayor, Ali Nor Aktas, wrote on Twitter that the fire, which broke out shortly before midnight, may have been caused by a wood-burning stove that had been in the apartment newly inhabited by a refugee family in Turkey since 2017.
Pictures posted by Aktas show a 3-story building with a black facade and fire and rescue personnel around it.
At least 3.7 million Syrian refugees live in Turkey, according to official figures, most of whom have arrived since the outbreak of the war in Syria in 2011.