حملة التضامن مع نساء عفرين.. الناشطة سوز عبد الرحمن علي
أطلقت ناشطات وإعلاميات وكاتبات وشاعرات من حملة الجنسيات الأمازيغية والألمانية ومن أجزاء كوردستان الأربعة اليوم 20 أيلول 2024 حملةَ تضامن مع النساء الكورديات اللواتي تعرضن للاعتداء وإطلاق الرصاص الحي من قبل مسلحي سلطان سليمان شاه (العمشات) إحدى فصائل الجيش الوطني السوري للمعارضة السورية في قرية كاخرة التابعة لمدينة عفرين بكوردستان سوريا.
وجاءت الحملة باسم: حملة التضامن مع نساء عفرين بعنوان "موسم الزيتون بلون الدم" وباللغات الألمانية والإنجليزية والكوردية (اللاتينية والصورانية) والعربية.
وشاركت الناشطة سوز عبد الرحمن علي في الحملة التضامنية باللغة الإنكليزية جاء فيها:
"Kurdish women warriors fiercely protecting their olive trees."
The word Afrîn for us as Kurds is a most beautiful word that comes after the word Kurdistan, Afrîn a beautiful city with its gorgeous nurture full of Kurdish olive trees, afrîn for us is beating Hart of Kurdistan, yes we are divided into four pieces and more but we never forget about our homeland, Kurdish women from all the divided parts are very respected and honored by mountain tradition, our woman would go to fields, Raising children, and hold the nation honor on their shoulders like their names. When the war happened, Kurdish women would fight next to their men because, in the war, we had no males or females, just warriors fighting and defending their mountain and homeland Kurdistan. This is what happened in the village of Kaxirê in the occupied city of Afrîn when the enemy with heavy guns and so many men again asked for money, our women and men went out and in Peaceful demonstrations asked them to stop and leave their village the answer come out from their guns, not their mouth we lost mothers and fathers in this what we called peaceful demonstrations. All Kurdish women from all parts of Kurdistan are heartbroken by this accident, or we can call it ethnic cleansing because it only happens to us in the area. For outsiders, it's just a small accident, but for all of Kurdistan and the Kurdish woman especially, it's the loss of a warrior before a mother and a father like losing a part of our bodies. What happened in Kaxirê is a painful reminder to all the Kurdish women from all parts that we are in danger and any second, we will lose our lives because we're Kurds, especially Kurdish women. What a dangerous combination! Where in the world can you have a woman who can be a beautiful female and a warrior when her homeland needs her this strong combination only it can be seen in Kurdistan. Maybe the enemy thinks by killing an elderly person, we may be scared and stop fighting for our homeland and our nation, but this accident made all the Kurdish women from all parts of Kurdistan more and more determined that we need more work for Kurdistan.
They leave us as Martyrs, they make all the Kurdish women proud. That's what we call Kurdish power. No death stops us from our rights because we are Kurds, children of the mountains and the sun. Their death is a message for all the Kurdish women: we should fight with all the resources we have. Kaxirê Martyrs will be in our memories forever, we want all this ethnic cleansing to stop in Afrîn so its rightful Kurdish people can live peacefully.
Name: Soz Abdulrahman Ali
مدينة حلبجة الشهيدة