
Organization: "The aim of imposing the ransom on the remaining Kurds in Afrin is to force them to leave"

Jun 19 2022

ARK News... The Human Rights Organization in Afrin, on Saturday, June 17, 2022, said that the financial ransom has become salaries for the armed factions in the Afrin region of Syrian Kurdistan, the factions are still accusing the indigenous Kurdish population of false accusations and pretexts for the purpose of kidnapping them and collecting the ransom in exchange for their release, in addition to adopting various repressive methods and inhumane practices and putting pressure on them to force them to think of leaving.

The Organization’s report stated that: On Monday, June 13, 2022, the military police in the center of Jenderes town kidnapped citizens in Ramadi village of Jenderes town on false accusations and pretexts, including dealing with the former de facto authority and the civil service for the purpose of collecting the ransom. Their names are:
1 - Bashar Zakaria Muhammad, 21 years old
2- Mahmoud Muhammad Rashid, 39 years old. They were taken to an unknown destination without knowing their fate until now.

The Organization continued: The militia members of the military police who are in Rajo town also kidnapped, for the third time, Aslan Sheikh Musa Habash, 39 years old, from the village of Kela, without mentioning the reasons, but they mentioned that they will release him after paying the financial ransom every time, but the estimate of the amount will be decided by the head of the branch office at the Ministry of Defense of the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian Coalition.

It indicated: As for members of the Military Police militia in the Mabata town center, more than ten days ago, they kidnapped the citizen Amin Zaki Mannan, 53 years old, from the village of Gamrouk for the same purpose, collecting the ransom in exchange for his release, and he was released two days ago after forcing him to pay the ransom