A Syrian doctor volunteers in the Corona vaccination campaign after freezing his deportation from Britain

A Syrian doctor volunteers in the Corona vaccination campaign after freezing his deportation from Britain

Jan 11 2021

ARK News… A Syrian doctor volunteered to help the British vaccination campaign against the deadly Covid 19 virus after the decision to deport him from the United Kingdom was frozen due to the first closure measures to confront Corona, and he was granted permission to stay in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Bashar Al-Hana had been living for nearly two years in Darlington, after leaving his war-ravaged country and arriving in England and seeking asylum there.

Al-Hana was scheduled to be deported from Britain and returned to Poland - his first entry point to Europe - last spring, but that flight was canceled amid the lockdown measures that the whole world witnessed with the advent of the pandemic.

Today, after winning a five-year battle to stay in the UK, the 36-year-old doctor volunteered to help the National Health Service (NHS) with a mass vaccination campaign for Britons.

And if his volunteer offer is accepted, he will administer the vaccination operations here, while waiting for the General Medical Council exams in Britain, in which success will allow him to work as a doctor in the United Kingdom.

On this matter, Al-Hana spoke with the Northern Echo newspaper, saying that "entering the hospital environment will be a good opportunity" for him, adding, "It is a very, very important job, and I am lucky." Al-Hana also thanked those who helped him during the year following the decision to deport him.

Among those who thanked him was Darlington Assistance for Refugees and the deputy in the Northeast town of Conservative, Peter Gibson, who took care of his case.

"My new family here helped me a lot, and now I have hope that I can stop fleeing and move from country to country and from place to place. This is the basis for starting anew with a normal life," said Dr. Al-Hana.

Source: The Independent (translated)