The Peshkhabur crossing decides to transfer passengers from the Kurdistan Region to Kurdistan of Syria by buses

The Peshkhabur crossing decides to transfer passengers from the Kurdistan Region to Kurdistan of Syria by buses

Dec 04 2018

ARK News: A member of the representative of the Kurdish National Council in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Jad’an Ali said that the Semalka crossing announced the work with buses between the border crossing of Semalka and the Peshkhabur crossing will begin today.

Ali pointed out in a special statement to ARK News yesterday, 3/12/2018 that this decision came after the incident of sinking at the border crossing of Semalka as a result of the sinking of the boat, where two of the region staff were on board, and one of them was able to survive, while the search for the other is still continuing.

In the beginning, travelers were traveling between Kurdistan Syria and the Kurdistan region of Iraq on both sides of the border on foot, then later the traveling became by dedicated boats from the Fishkhabur border crossing to the border crossing of Semalka.