Turkey steals Afrin in board daylight

Turkey steals Afrin in board daylight

Nov 11 2018

A study of the Afrin violations

Amin Sheik Golin

Ark News: The abhorrent chauvinists, which play disgraceful roles against the conquered people, from fragmentation, forced displacement, and demographic change, and the exploitation of the economic (Turkey steals Afrin in broad daylight, olive season witness to what we say ...) and cultural which distorting the national culture and steal it, and the establishment of family conflicts, and prevent creative political action, and in turn encourages the emergence of the clan, which disappeared for a long time, and prevent any activity of civil society,

And prohibit the activities of various international organizations in the areas of nationalities under occupation, and all that we said contrary to the logic of the times or international law, and completely contrary to the law of heaven, states claiming Islam, and Islam is of them innocent.

Because they kill and steal and lie, and you know that Islam is forbidden to kill, lie and robbery.

And the nations under occupation are Muslim nations, , all the mentioned violations carried out against them (the divided Kurdish people, Baloch, Azeris, Arab Ahwaz, Tamazight, Palestinians..)

Therefore, we call upon the major Powers, headed by the United States and the British ... to assume their global responsibilities towards the nations under occupation, who are subjected daily to serious violations, as happens in Afrin by Turkish Turanizm and its mercenaries ... Protecting them and protecting their legitimate national rights, and the consecration of freedom, democracy and the values of justice . .. lived a free and honest Kurdistan ... shame and disgrace to the forces of occupation and hypocrisy.

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