Yazidi Kurdish: After losing my son, I am afraid that the PKK will kidnap my daughter

Yazidi Kurdish: After losing my son, I am afraid that the PKK will kidnap my daughter

Sep 17 2020

ARK News… A Kurdish Yazidi woman revealed that her 15-year-old son was kidnapped by the PKK militants, and she has not known anything about him for 6 months.

During a video clip, a Kurdish Yezidi woman from Shangal said: The PKK militants are kidnapping our sons and daughters, throwing them into the fight against Turkey and causing to their killing.

The Yazidi woman called on the Yazidi Kurdish families in Shangal to protect their children from kidnapping and recruitment by the PKK.

The Kurdish woman confirmed: After losing my son, who was hiding from them in the homes of neighbors, and when they increased the pressure on him, he fled from them and hid in the camps, and there they kidnapped him and took him by force to their ranks, now I am afraid that they will kidnap my daughter.

The Yazidi woman added during the video: The PKK deceived the Yazidi Kurds, as they did not come to Shangal for us, they came for their benefit, they came to rob us of our land, our children and our homes.