The Syrians are secondly foreigners in Swedish universities

The Syrians are secondly foreigners in Swedish universities

Jan 23 2020

ARK News: The number of Syrian students enrolled in Swedish universities has become the second largest percentage after Finnish students, and the numbers indicate a continuous increase since the number has doubled since 2017 after it was 1000 students to become 2100 students during 2019 and it is expected that the Syrians will lead the number of foreign students in Swedish universities As the number of Syrian refugees in Sweden exceeded 160 thousand.

“Radio Sweden” mentioned that the number of Syrian students has doubled during the last two years, explaining that in the past year 2019, more than 2100 students were accepted, which is twice what was in 2017.

The source added that this number does not include the Syrians who have Swedish secondary certificates, indicating that the Syrian students are the second largest group of foreign students after the Finns.

Andreas Sandberg, head of the "university" section of the Higher Education Council, was expected to expect more Syrians to enter universities this year.

"I think we will definitely see a continuous boom, but how big will it be, it will be difficult to judge now," he said, noting that Syrian students may exceed the number of Finnish students during 2020.

Sandberg attributed the reason for this increase to the arrival of many Syrian refugees who came to Sweden in 2015, as well as the presence of 30% of education certificate holders who obtained a residence permit in 2016.

In the same context, in Germany in 2018, the number of Syrian students enrolled in German universities was 8,618 students ranked sixth, 3.1% of the number of foreign students after China, Australia, India, Russia and Italy. 58% of Syrian students choose engineering branches and 40% of foreign students are generally enrolled in engineering branches, while 25% of German students are enrolled in engineering branches.

Therefore, there are legitimate questions that come to mind. Is it possible that this matter (in one day) will be positively reflected on Syria (without Assad), given that Syrian students constitute a large percentage of the best universities in the world, or that it will exceed only that it is numbers that will dissolve in the societies in which they live and their successes will not be reflected one day on the country and are only individual successes that exceed only the benefit of their owner?